Sunday, January 23, 2011

Something Wicked Hard This Way Comes

Snow, snow,'s all you hear about in these parts lately. Bet the folks in Antartica think we're being a little paranoid about it, inbetween times when they ask themselves "why am I in Antartica?"

Yes, it's been a snowy season in the Deep South this year, further proof (if you're a Republican) that Obama is sending this country straight to socialist hell or (if you're a Democrat) that the GOP is hellbent on turning everything to shit.

No wonder some nutjob in Arizona goes on a shooting spree...

I'm not here to say that the GOP is to blame, though God knows they do their fair share to stir up the hornet's nest of crazy mofos in this country. The Dems, much as I love 'em, are screwing the pooch.

Though to be fair, Sarah Palin puts a gunsight on your district and then you get shot? Got to be hard to ignore.

Anyway, on personal terms this has been a long month. I left my job at the hotel, then the snow storm and subsequent absence of hours at my other job left me thinking "hmm, perhaps I was a bit hasty to jump off that boat." I am available for weekend work, if any potential employers stumble across this, but I hope I'm making something out of nothing.

The fact that I went for a simple oil job yesterday and let myself be talked into spending $100 more on a new battery for my car even though, in retrospect, I didn't notice anything wrong with the other one...yeah, that doesn't play into my fears regarding my income at all.

Last summer, when I went so long between paychecks that I was begging and pleading for extensions on payments past due, I felt like I never wanted to be anywhere near this position again. So far, I've been lucky enough to not feel quite so pressured...until the loss of work due to the snow left me just a little aware of that feeling creeping back up.

So yeah, time to start working the pole again. My stripper name? "Misty Rainz"

I will continue to fight on, of course, sending off stories or essays until one gets published (one did, on, all about possible presidential candidates for Hollywood to make movies off of. Robot president, anyone?). God knows my good looks won't pay my bills unless people who judge these things suddenly get myopic.

Though, for the record, I am one sexy beast. :-p


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