Hello on this Halloween Eve, my friends. Are you ready for a blood-curdling tale of horror and suspense?
Too bad, I don't work that genre too well.
But I do know someone who does: John Carpenter, whose The Thing was recently remade...I'm sorry, "prequeled" by a major Hollywood studio who said "I wonder what happened at the Norwegian camp where the Thing thawed out originally" (answer: chaos ensues). The 1951 original is also good, though less gory, in case you need Halloween viewing options.
I am not a horror guy by and large, and I feel like there's an undercurrent of Puritan morality and conservative politics in even the most forward-thinking horror, a sense of punishment for daring to break society's boundaries. Sure, you get to have all the pot and sex you want, but it means a machete through the groin when you're done. That never sat well with me (of course, if I had a machete in my groin, sitting well would be the least of my worries).
I'm currently making my way thru Jerry West's memoir (talk about transition from subjects), and it turns out that he's kind of a miserable bastard. This despite being the NBA logo, playing on a Lakers team that was always denied by the Celtics of that NBA championship until 1972, and supervising both the Showtime Lakers of the Eighties and the beginning of the Threepeat Lakers of the 00's. Still, though, I like the guy. I will post a review of the book on Amazon when I get done.
Ghouls and goblins abound, but beware the scariest Halloween creature of all: Monday morning! Evil laugh!....
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