Hey, Hank, how are you? Rough week last week, huh?
Buddy, I defend your right to free speech as much as the next guy, but when you make an ass of yourself, ESPN is within every right to fire you. Yes, I said "fire". All this BS about you going to them first and quitting? It's face-saving for you, and not particularly convincing to me. I could be wrong, but I heard about the firing before I heard about you "quitting," and I'm pretty sure one or the other has to be true. And seeing as you're prone to crazy things coming out of your mouth, well...
I'm not saying that the Disney Corporation isn't innocent in all this mess; they have a lot of skeletons in their closet. A lot. But in this case, you really left them no choice.
I get that you don't like Obama, and I get that you felt the "golf summit" was a meeting of philosophical unequals. But saying it's like Hitler and the Israeli PM getting together to shoot some tees? Why didn't you go with the notion of you and Little Richard playing music together for a "apples and oranges" metaphor (that clip of the two of you performing the MNF theme was aired on the news a few times, now that's a bizarre crime-fighting team if I ever saw one. An effeminate black man and a stereotypical drunk white Southern guy; coming to NBC this spring!).
Let's face it, though: when was the last time anyone even talked about you? 1985ish? And Hank, buddy, I am not a fan of your music anyway, but really, the MNF theme was pretty disposable. Just throw in a lyric or two about the week's two teams and ask them to cut the check before you leave the studio, 'cause that Wild Turkey IV don't pay for itself, am I right?
I kinda feel like you are only famous because of your dad (who, I'm guessing, might have had the talent in the family. I could be wrong). That's the only reason you have a career, and I'll be damned if I can think of any other reason for people to care what you think. Yes, we have freedom of speech in this country...but we also have freedom to call someone out when they make an ass of themselves.
Hank, my pal...that's you.
Ride this to the top of iTunes, if you must, but just remember: you can't drink away the crazy.
Your friend,
Trevor "None of My Rowdy Friends Listen to Your Music" Seigler
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