No special life-lesson observations here, just want to point out that this song was blasting from a pizza parlor that I passed on my way to work yesterday (walking down the street), because the snowstorm put my GRE test on hold and well, after waiting for the ice and snow to clear out enough to risk driving, I figured I couldn't use the weather as an excuse to lay out of work (I must say, I am not missing much of daytime TV when I'm at work. The hours I'm at work are much more wisely spent than they would be if I were at home, watching ESPN's First Take for the simple fact that I can't decide who's more of a horse's ass, Stephen A. Smith or Skip "I wrote books about the Cowboys" Bayliss. Probably Skip, if I had to decide with a gun to my head. God, what an ass).
Like I said, my GRE test is delayed, by almost a month (Feb. 24th is the make-up date they gave me, which I hope works with the college I've applied to grad school for). If not, hey, there's always next spring (2015). I've had to wait this long, shit, I can stand to wait longer.
Anyway, I need a nap because I feel like it would be nice to have one (driving to work this morning was potentially a mistake because I was woozy from something or another). No drinking or anything; I just think I'm sick. Tis the season for that, assuredly.
Anyway, go find this song on YouTube or ITunes (I might have to purchase the Superfly soundtrack asap, I had this from iTunes but I don't have iTunes anymore). Trust me, it's the perfect motherfucking song to get your swagger back with, provided you don't slip on any ice and bust your ass. And I didn't slip on the ice (though I did notice an awful lot of dog turds on the sidewalks downtown. Thought you were supposed to pick that up, pet-owners...somebody's being lazy). Anyway, gonna take a quick nap then get myself home so I can relax a bit and start prepping myself for the GRE test now almost a month ahead of me. Unless it snows again.
God, I hope it doesn't.
Anyway, good day to you all! (and if you haven't read the book already, seek out The Fortress of Solitude, this is a fantastic book!)
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