As often happens lately, something truly horrifying has happened in the world. I'm not just talking about the NFL labor agreement kerfuffle (though that is bad), I mean the earthquake, tsunami, and now explosion at a nuclear plant in Japan, all within the span of forty-eight hours. I wrote up something about that for a website I contribute to regularly (by "regularly" I mean "infrequently"), so I won't go into detail here. I just want to send out a thought or two for the Japanese people, I'm not a praying person much so it feels wrong to say "praying" for them but I reckon it's about right.
It seems like some people want to say this is a "sign of the apocalypse". Those people are idiots and jerks.
Anyway, I got to hold the baby again last night, she went to sleep in my arms and I almost fell asleep myself (I'd been up since six in the morning, on account of work). Did I mention how cute she is?
Shout out to my first follower, who I'm betting based on his comment is my cousin Brandon. If this is correct, he will quote a Morrissey solo (not the Smiths) lyric in the comments section of this post. The ball is in your court, sir...;-p
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