Beer drinkers out there, see if you agree with me:
Recently I passed by a restaurant that had once been the site of another restaurant and, thanks to the owners of the most recent place foreclosing on it, the future site of yet another restaurant. The restaurant business in downtown Clemson is pretty cutthroat. Anyway, the reason I really liked the first place (having never been there during its most recent conversion) was because 1.) the female bartenders and wait staff were pretty hot and 2.) that's where I first discovered the truly awful taste of Natural Lite beer.
Natty Lite, to knowledgable beer drinkers, is the sort of stuff you wouldn't serve to your dog or worst enemy. It's what you have when you can't afford the good stuff, or you've had enough good stuff that your wallet is getting thinner but your buzz needs fuel. So you hit up the Natty Lite, hoping that the awful taste will not prevent the beverage from going down smooth. Or at least not gag you.
I'm entering what I'd like to call the Natty Lite portion of my life experience, if you follow me.
What I mean is, the best stuff, the good stuff, is what I can't afford right now or at least once could and now can't. It's a new metaphor for me as well, I haven't worked out the kinks thus far but I think what I mean is that, right now, the best that life has to offer is a bit out of my grasp after a prolonged stay at the well led me to get sent away for drunk and disorderly conduct.
I have two jobs, neither of which I'm passionate about from a career standpoint (more like a "I need money so this will do for now" standpoint). My romantic prospects are minimal, unless I meet a smoking hot supermodel in the next ten seconds.
Ten...nine...eight...yeah, not happening.
Grad school remains something of a hazy, foggy notion, and writing professionally is my goal but I'm unsure how to achieve it.
Like I said, it's Natty Lite all the time for me (and I haven't touched a beer since at least July, so that could be the cause of my recent "alcohol as metaphor for life" meanderings). I just hope by this time next year I can afford the good stuff again. Nothing too fancy, just a nice Budweiser would suffice.
Maybe life is more like the McRib, in which it's available for a limited time...
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