Sunday, April 10, 2011

So This is Casablanca, Eh?

The government might not have shut down this week, but Glenn Beck did; Fox News reportedly canceled the self-appointed mindfucker's show, which apparently is running til the end of the year still but after that will be kaput. You know what this means, of course... Glenn was right about someone being out to silence him. The fact that it was Fox News...that's an M. Night Shamalamadingdong worthy twist. I kid, but the fact is that Fox News, by firing the guy most people think of when you say "Fox News," is really doing themselves a disservice. Nobody talks about O'Reilly anymore; he went from being a firebrand of conservative thought to everyone's drunk grandfather bitching about Socialism while passing out at the wheel of his yacht which is in dry dock in your parents' backyard. Hannity is still like the Urkel of right-wing nutjobs, but I haven't heard him mentioned in years. Dude's last book came out in paperback right out of the gate. Ann Coulter morphed into Sue Sylvester, G. Gordon Liddy tried to hunt down that Nigerian prince who stole his money, and Rush Limbaugh is going deaf. I can remember a time when these people walked the earth like fire-breathing dragons of hate, then Bush got in there and screwed up big time so now they're like neutered housecats, albeit the kind that piss all over your furniture and berate you about Obama's lack of a birth certificate. The GOP might as well admit that they're going to try to "put the White back in the White House" next year, I think there's one token non-white guy who isn't Michael Steele still in the party and he seems like more of a long shot that Al Sharpton ever was. High times indeed. That's all I got for today.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hot Child in the City

Just wanted to check in, I know it's been a while (and my last post was, now that I think about it, unintentionally morbid), but I've been busy with work and such. Don't worry, I also neglected my online family on the Oregon Trail. Last I heard, Pa had been scalped by Indians, Sis and Mama were taken out by cholera, and I was selling myself to interested prospectors in the Idaho mountains. If you are an aspiring literary snob, or just think to yourself "someday someone will recognize my genius at literary puns," check out the Clemson Literary Festival (fourth one in a row) this week. I was a bit bewildered to see on the website ( that Kurt Vonnegut was at some point "associated" with the university. If this means "you can find his books in our library," then yes, he was associated with Clemson. Other than that, I'm wondering what possible connection the author of Breakfast of Champions could have with the school still obsessed with our one and only title. Anyway, toodles!